@ -2249,67 +2249,18 @@ of how to register handlers in the servlet container.
=== Switch off the Spring Boot Security Configuration
If you define a `@Configuration` with `@EnableWebSecurity` anywhere in your application,
it switches off the default webapp security settings in Spring Boot (but leaves the
Actuator's security enabled). To tweak the defaults try setting properties in
`+security.*+` (see
for details of available settings) and the `SECURITY` section of
"`<<common-application-properties-security,Common Application Properties>>`".
If you define a `@Configuration` with a `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter` in your application,
it switches off the default webapp security settings in Spring Boot.
=== Change the AuthenticationManager and Add User Accounts
If you provide a `@Bean` of type `AuthenticationManager`, the default one is not
If you provide a `@Bean` of type `AuthenticationManager`, `AuthenticationProvider`
or `UserDetailsService`, the default `@Bean` for `InMemoryUserDetailsManager` is not
created, so you have the full feature set of Spring Security available (such as
http://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#jc-authentication[various authentication options]).
Spring Security also provides a convenient `AuthenticationManagerBuilder`, which can be
used to build an `AuthenticationManager` with common options. The recommended way to
use this in a webapp is to inject it into a void method in a
`WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter`, as shown in the following example:
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
.withUser("barry").password("password").roles("USER"); // ... etc.
// ... other stuff for application security
You get the best results if you put this in a nested class or a standalone class
(that is, not mixed in with a lot of other `@Beans` that might be allowed to influence the
order of instantiation). The {github-code}/spring-boot-samples/spring-boot-sample-web-secure[secure web sample]
is a useful template to follow.
If you experience instantiation issues (for example, when using JDBC or JPA for the user detail store),
it might be worth extracting the `AuthenticationManagerBuilder` callback into a
`GlobalAuthenticationConfigurerAdapter` (in the `init()` method so that it happens before the
authentication manager is needed elsewhere), as shown in the following example:
public class AuthenticationManagerConfiguration extends
GlobalAuthenticationConfigurerAdapter {
public void init(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) {
auth.inMemoryAuthentication() // ... etc.
The easiest way to add user accounts is to provide your own `UserDetailsService` bean.
@ -2333,10 +2284,23 @@ by adding some entries to `application.properties`, as shown in the following ex
(The presence of either of those properties switches on the valve. Alternatively, you can
add the `RemoteIpValve` yourself by adding a `TomcatServletWebServerFactory` bean.)
Spring Security can also be configured to require a secure channel for all (or some)
requests. To switch that on in a Spring Boot application, set
`security.require_ssl` to `true` in `application.properties`.
To configure Spring Security to require a secure channel for all (or some)
requests, consider adding your own `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter` that adds the following
`HttpSecurity` configuration:
public class SslWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// Customize the application security