Numerous changes to the actuator project, including:
- Specific Endpoint interface
- Spring MVC/Enpoint adapter
- Management server context changes
- Consistent auto-configuration class naming
- Auto-configuration ordering
- Javadoc, code formatting and tests
The ErrorEndpoint now handles text/html requests differently, delegating
to a View named "error". This view will not exist by default so the user
will see an ugly 500 error, but it's easy to fix and there isn't a good
to provide a default.
Example: web UI with publicly available static assets
security.ignored: /css/**,/script/**
Example: web UI with publicly available everything, but secure
management endpoints.
# Empty path for basic security (default is /**)
* One for Cloud Foundry and one for the application context ID
* If app runs in Cloud Foundry vcap.application.* and*
will be populated in the Environment
* The ApplicationContext ID is set to something supposedly unique
(e.g. name:index in a Cloud Foundry app)
[#50968415] [#48153639]
Update AbstractEmbeddedServletContainerFactory to detect the document
root from a classically packaged war file.
[#48386505] [bs-52] Support for running "traditional" webapps in place
As per standard LiveBeansView features, if spring.liveBeansView.mbeanDomain
is set in the Environment, then all application contexts are displayed,
otherwise only the local one. Only JSON is served (via produces=).
User adds @OnManagementContext to a bean or @Configuration and
it should be included in the management context (if there is one)
whether it is the main context or a child.
Makes it easy to secure the management endpoints and keep
the rest open (see actuator-ui-sample).
The delegating version delegates to other configurers, and it's what
@EnableWebMvc uses. You effectively switch off the delegation if you
use the base class by mistake.
[Fixes#50267017] [bs-132] Static resources in /css/**
cannot be served by Actuator project
* MessageSource created automatically (location
* Thymeleaf configured automatically to look for
templates in classpath:/templates
* Added static resource handlers for classpath:/static
and classpath:/
[Fixes#49832165] [bs-118] Support for thymeleaf templates
* All instances are called before the container is started in
a bean post processor
* Users still have to be careful because the customizer is
called very early in the ApplicationContext lifecycle (e.g.
might have to do a lookup for some dependencies instead of
[Fixes#49671463] User-hook for customizing embedded servlet container
It's not really a security feature (just logging request headers),
so better to put it in the main actuator autoconfig.
[Fixes#49578819] [bs-111] Unresolvable cycle when separating management.port
* ManagementProperties and ServerProperties now support an address property
* For example set management.port=9001,management.address= to listen
on port 9001 but only for connections from the localhost