- If RabbitTemplate is on the classpath, turn on autodetection.
- Create a RabbitTemplate, a Rabbit ConnectionFactory, and a RabbitAdmin is spring.rabbitmq.dynamic:true
- Enable some **spring.rabbitmq** properties like host, port, username, password, and dynamic
- Add tests to verify functionality
- Add Groovy CLI functionality. Base it on @EnableRabbitMessaging. Add spring-amqp to the path.
- Create rabbit.groovy test to prove it all works.
- Make Queue and TopicExchange top-level Spring beans in rabbit.groovy test script
* application.properties support for spring.jms and spring.activemq
* more tests to verify ActiveMQConnectionFactory pooling
* Groovy support and simple sample with activemq
* Groovy detection mechanism is @EnableJmsMessaging annotation
* Add ability to detect spring-jms on the path and create a JmsTemplate with
* Create tests showing autoconfigured JmsTemplate with ActiveMQ, but prove it
backs off if a separate ConnectionFactory exists.
* Add support to spring-boot-cli to that it detects JmsTemplate, DefaultMessageListenerContainer,
or SimpleMessageListenerContainer, and turns on autoconfiguration as well as
add proper @Grab's and import statements.
* Write a jms.groovy test showing proper CLI support
Simplify ActiveMQ configuration
Update ActiveMQ to 5.7.0
* @EnableTransactionManagement triggers spring-tx imports
* Field or method of type JdbcTemplate or NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
of DataSource triggers spring-jdbc imports
A bug in ivy (tickled by maven leaving a pom
but no jar in the local repo) would make the
default Grapes ivy config fail (cannot grab...).
Phil's workaround now has a test case.
Fix the localm2 repository to only consider that a pom exists when
its artifact is contained in the repository.
This prevents a download error that can occur when the local m2
repository contains a POM file but not a JAR.
Issue: #55532358
The Boot resolver didn't transfer enough of the settings
of the default ChainResolver. Adding a boolean flag was
enough to make the chatter die down for dependencies
that were unneeded.
[Fixes#55358344] [bs-291]
Seems to work. I think the problem was the race conditions
that we hopefully already eliminated. I got an out of memory
error running the samples tests in Eclipse, but then it went
away again (something to look out for).
[Fixes#54925992] [bs-280]
* Added src/main/content/bash_completion.d/spring
* Also made all commands alias to "--<self>" so
"--help" is a synonym for "help" (for instance). This
helps with the completion generation.
Update CLI to show a "Downloading Dependencies..." message if the
initial dependency resolution takes more than 3 seconds. Whilst
downloading dots are appended to the message.
Issue: #54589094
Rework main build POM to be an aggregator pom that does not inherit
from any parent. Introduce new spring-boot-dependencies module to
act as a parent for both spring-boot-starter-parent and