* Make Rector @Autowirable
* Create a ConsumerBeanPostProcessor so users can add
@On and @Reply to bean methods
* Added groovy auto compiler and script sample
[#53955419] [bs-250]
This fixed the immediate problem with Thymeleaf, but leaves open
the question of how we can prevent other race conditions developing.
As long as the container can start handling requests before the Spring
context is refreshed this will be a source of bugs.
[Fixes#53482411] [bs-235] Race condition in Thymeleaf
* Move Spring.main into SpringApplication.main
* User can bind command line or application.properties into
* User can provide sources dynamically with --spring.main.sources
(a CSV list of class names, package names or XML resource locations)
* One side effect was to make DocumentMatchers stateless
If JPA is used and the context is a webapp we add the OEMIV interceptor.
It can be switched off by the user declaring a bean of type OEMSIVI or
the corresponding Filter, or by setting spring.jpa.open_in_view=false.