The ErrorEndpoint now handles text/html requests differently, delegating
to a View named "error". This view will not exist by default so the user
will see an ugly 500 error, but it's easy to fix and there isn't a good
to provide a default.
Example: web UI with publicly available static assets
security.ignored: /css/**,/script/**
Example: web UI with publicly available everything, but secure
management endpoints.
# Empty path for basic security (default is /**)
* One for Cloud Foundry and one for the application context ID
* If app runs in Cloud Foundry vcap.application.* and*
will be populated in the Environment
* The ApplicationContext ID is set to something supposedly unique
(e.g. name:index in a Cloud Foundry app)
[#50968415] [#48153639]
As per standard LiveBeansView features, if spring.liveBeansView.mbeanDomain
is set in the Environment, then all application contexts are displayed,
otherwise only the local one. Only JSON is served (via produces=).
Previously EmbedddedContainerConfiguration cannot be imported directly.
This change ensures that the nested classes are not loaded automatically
so there can be no issues with the annotation parameters.
There might be a case for a change in Spring here since the framework
itself could just be more cautious when processing nested classes.
User adds @OnManagementContext to a bean or @Configuration and
it should be included in the management context (if there is one)
whether it is the main context or a child.
Makes it easy to secure the management endpoints and keep
the rest open (see actuator-ui-sample).
The delegating version delegates to other configurers, and it's what
@EnableWebMvc uses. You effectively switch off the delegation if you
use the base class by mistake.
[Fixes#50267017] [bs-132] Static resources in /css/**
cannot be served by Actuator project
* A simple check to see if it is already registered
fixed the original problem
* Also removed the need to have @ConfigurationProperties
on a bean class (unless you want to specify the target name
[Fixes#50256421] [bs-130] When actuator app starts the
@ConfigurationProperties are registered with the bean
factory several times
* If the auto config class has a high Order it can check for
an existing transaction manager
* Unit tests added, and checked also witrh petclinic
* MessageSource created automatically (location
* Thymeleaf configured automatically to look for
templates in classpath:/templates
* Added static resource handlers for classpath:/static
and classpath:/
[Fixes#49832165] [bs-118] Support for thymeleaf templates
* ManagementProperties and ServerProperties now support an address property
* For example set management.port=9001,management.address= to listen
on port 9001 but only for connections from the localhost
* Added ExitCodeGenerator and SpringApplication.exit
convenience method
* User can add bean of type ExitCodeGenerator or supply
one in the call to exit()
* Also extracted ManagementServerProperties into a separate
* TraceRepository was still causing problems during startup,
fixed that
* Allow management endpoints to be switched off with port=0
* The TraceAutoConfiguration in the service project
was loading too early because it contains a BPP
* It also had a Spring Security dependency without any
@Conditional* configuration
* Fixed by nesting the BPP in a class with @Conditional*
* Added a bean post processor for the Spring Security filter chain
(so you only get traces by default if security is on)
* Every request is logged at trace level if the dump requests flag is
* Requests are also dumped to a TraceRepository for later analysis (very
useful for tracing problems in real time when a support call comes in)
* Use file adapters in sample instead of internal flow
* Add Exception to signature of CommandLineRunner for
implementation convenience
* Updates for Security snapshots
$ cd spring-bootstrap-cli
$ export SPRING_HOME=target
$ src/main/scripts/spring run samples/integration.groovy
The big disadvantage at the moment is that there is no goo way to
detect Spring Integration in the AST (at least not as good as @Enable*).
So for now we are looking for @MessageEndpoint or a class name with
SpringIntegration in it.
* Also added "spring" shell script (in zip), so you can
unzip it and run out of the box
* To run in developer mode use SPRING_HOME, e.g.
$ cd spring-bootstrap-cli
$ SPRING_HOME=target src/main/scripts/spring run samples/web.groovy
* Also added "clean" command to remove spring bootstrap grapes
(useful to force a refresh of snapshot jars)