* MessageSource created automatically (location
* Thymeleaf configured automatically to look for
templates in classpath:/templates
* Added static resource handlers for classpath:/static
and classpath:/
[Fixes#49832165] [bs-118] Support for thymeleaf templates
* All instances are called before the container is started in
a bean post processor
* Users still have to be careful because the customizer is
called very early in the ApplicationContext lifecycle (e.g.
might have to do a lookup for some dependencies instead of
[Fixes#49671463] User-hook for customizing embedded servlet container
It's not really a security feature (just logging request headers),
so better to put it in the main actuator autoconfig.
[Fixes#49578819] [bs-111] Unresolvable cycle when separating management.port
* ManagementProperties and ServerProperties now support an address property
* For example set management.port=9001,management.address= to listen
on port 9001 but only for connections from the localhost