* A simple check to see if it is already registered
fixed the original problem
* Also removed the need to have @ConfigurationProperties
on a bean class (unless you want to specify the target name
[Fixes#50256421] [bs-130] When actuator app starts the
@ConfigurationProperties are registered with the bean
factory several times
Moved the Grab.addResolver() call to before any other compiler
That got it working locally (removed ~/.m2 and ~/.groovy/grapes)
but still not working on cloudfoundry for some reason. We need
more help from buildpacks there (to get a cache going for the
grapes), but there seems to be more than just that stopping it
(maybe just timeouts?).
* Added GroovyTemplate.template() utility and static import in webapp CLI, so
String home(Model model) {
template "home.html", model
renders the template in /templates/home.html
* Because Spring is not on the classpath we don't particularly
want to use SpringFactoriesLoader
* Adopted the JDK (>=6) ServiceLoader model instead
* If the auto config class has a high Order it can check for
an existing transaction manager
* Unit tests added, and checked also witrh petclinic
* If Tomcat jdbc is available and the driverClassName and url
are provided or can be guessed (e.g. for HSQL) it is used.
Properties spring.database.{driverClassName,url} are consulted.
* If Commons DBCP is available it is used (if Tomcat is not)
* Otherwise an EmbeddedDatabase is created if all the bits are
* A JdbcOperations and a NamedParameterJdbcOperations are
available by default if a DataSource is created
* The data source is initialized from spring.database.schema (csv
of resource patterns)
* Extracted the component scan detector so it can be used
without @EnableAutoConfiguration
* Added unit tests
* Improve logging in @Conditional processing
* MessageSource created automatically (location
* Thymeleaf configured automatically to look for
templates in classpath:/templates
* Added static resource handlers for classpath:/static
and classpath:/
[Fixes#49832165] [bs-118] Support for thymeleaf templates
* All instances are called before the container is started in
a bean post processor
* Users still have to be careful because the customizer is
called very early in the ApplicationContext lifecycle (e.g.
might have to do a lookup for some dependencies instead of
[Fixes#49671463] User-hook for customizing embedded servlet container