* Leverages existing behaviour of BeanWrapperImpl where possible
to autogrow collections and lists
* Logic for scanning and converting bean paths encapsulated in
BeanPath inner class
[Fixes#53947797] [bs-249]
@ConfigurationProperties cannot bind to Map<String,List<Thing>>
Use a ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar to register BeanPostProcessors
rather than using @Bean definitions. Prevents warnings about
beans not having all BeanPostProcessors applied.
* Make Rector @Autowirable
* Create a ConsumerBeanPostProcessor so users can add
@On and @Reply to bean methods
* Added groovy auto compiler and script sample
[#53955419] [bs-250]
Tomcat starts up with server.loader System property set so
we need to accept that.
[Fixes#50806851] [bs-141]
First class escape hatch from jar to war for web applications
* ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainerFactory now has a sessionTimeout
* The ServerProperties in Actuator supports it
[Fixes#53667353] [bs-243] Support setSessionTimeout
Add EmbeddedServletContainer.start() method that is used to start the
embedded servlet container once the application context has finished
being refreshed.
Refactored existing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory implementations to
no longer keep server instances locally.
Issue: #53538787
We are using a resource filter to generate that pom, so it will change
when the version changes. I prefer on balance leaving the generated
code in git in a place where it will be useful in a clean clone.
[Fixes#53189241] [bs-227]
I'll mark this as fixing the bug in tracker, but it might benefit
from some re-working at some point. The basic idea is to use
our old friend ContextRefreshedEvent to start the server listening
for connections. Delaying and making public the start() method from the
EmbeddedServletContainer doesn't help because you need the server to
start in order to get a ServletContext for Spring.