package org.test import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch @Log @Configuration @EnableRabbitMessaging class RabbitExample implements CommandLineRunner { private CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1) @Autowired RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate private String queueName = "spring-boot" @Bean Queue queue() { new Queue(queueName, false) } @Bean TopicExchange exchange() { new TopicExchange("spring-boot-exchange") } /** * The queue and topic exchange cannot be inlined inside this method and have * dynamic creation with Spring AMQP work properly. */ @Bean Binding binding(Queue queue, TopicExchange exchange) { BindingBuilder .bind(queue) .to(exchange) .with("spring-boot") } @Bean SimpleMessageListenerContainer container(CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { return new SimpleMessageListenerContainer( connectionFactory: connectionFactory, queueNames: [queueName], messageListener: new MessageListenerAdapter(new Receiver(latch:latch), "receive") ) } void run(String... args) { "Sending RabbitMQ message..." rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(queueName, "Greetings from Spring Boot via RabbitMQ") latch.await() } } @Log class Receiver { CountDownLatch latch def receive(String message) { "Received ${message}" latch.countDown() } }