#!/bin/bash source $(dirname $0)/common.sh buildName=$( cat artifactory-repo/build-info.json | jq -r '.buildInfo.name' ) buildNumber=$( cat artifactory-repo/build-info.json | jq -r '.buildInfo.number' ) groupId=$( cat artifactory-repo/build-info.json | jq -r '.buildInfo.modules[0].id' | sed 's/\(.*\):.*:.*/\1/' ) version=$( cat artifactory-repo/build-info.json | jq -r '.buildInfo.modules[0].id' | sed 's/.*:.*:\(.*\)/\1/' ) if [[ $RELEASE_TYPE = "M" ]]; then targetRepo="libs-milestone-local" elif [[ $RELEASE_TYPE = "RC" ]]; then targetRepo="libs-milestone-local" elif [[ $RELEASE_TYPE = "RELEASE" ]]; then targetRepo="libs-release-local" else echo "Unknown release type $RELEASE_TYPE" >&2; exit 1; fi echo "Promoting ${buildName}/${buildNumber} to ${targetRepo}" curl \ -s \ --connect-timeout 240 \ --max-time 900 \ -u ${ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} \ -H "Content-type:application/json" \ -d "{\"status\": \"staged\", \"sourceRepo\": \"libs-staging-local\", \"targetRepo\": \"${targetRepo}\"}" \ -f \ -X \ POST "${ARTIFACTORY_SERVER}/api/build/promote/${buildName}/${buildNumber}" > /dev/null || { result=$( curl -s -f -u ${ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} "${ARTIFACTORY_SERVER}/api/build/${buildName}/${buildNumber}" ) resultRepo=$( echo $result | jq -r '.buildInfo.statuses[0].repository' ) if [[ $resultRepo = "libs-release-local" ]]; then echo "Already promoted" else echo "Failed to promote" >&2 exit 1 fi } if [[ $RELEASE_TYPE = "RELEASE" ]]; then curl \ -s \ --connect-timeout 240 \ --max-time 2700 \ -u ${ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} \ -H "Content-type:application/json" \ -d "{\"sourceRepos\": [\"libs-release-local\"], \"targetRepo\" : \"spring-distributions\", \"async\":\"true\"}" \ -f \ -X \ POST "${ARTIFACTORY_SERVER}/api/build/distribute/${buildName}/${buildNumber}" > /dev/null || { echo "Failed to distribute" >&2; exit 1; } echo "Waiting for artifacts to be published" WAIT_TIME=20 WAIT_ATTEMPTS=120 artifacts_published=false retry_counter=0 while [ $artifacts_published == "false" ] && [ $retry_counter -lt $WAIT_ATTEMPTS ]; do result=$( curl -s -f -u ${BINTRAY_USERNAME}:${BINTRAY_API_KEY} https://api.bintray.com/packages/"${BINTRAY_SUBJECT}"/"${BINTRAY_REPO}"/"${groupId}" ) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then versions=$( echo "$result" | jq -r '.versions' ) exists=$( echo "$versions" | grep "$version" -o || true ) if [ "$exists" = "$version" ]; then artifacts_published=true fi fi retry_counter=$(( retry_counter + 1 )) sleep $WAIT_TIME done if [[ $artifacts_published = "false" ]]; then echo "Failed to publish" exit 1 else curl \ -s \ -u ${BINTRAY_USERNAME}:${BINTRAY_API_KEY} \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '[ { "name": "gradle-plugin", "values": ["org.springframework.boot:org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin"] } ]' \ -X POST \ https://api.bintray.com/packages/${BINTRAY_SUBJECT}/${BINTRAY_REPO}/${groupId}/versions/${version}/attributes > /dev/null || { echo "Failed to add attributes" >&2; exit 1; } fi fi echo "Promotion complete" echo $version > version/version