plugins { id "" id "org.springframework.boot.conventions" id "org.springframework.boot.deployed" } description = "Spring Boot Dependencies" bom { effectiveBomArtifact() upgrade { policy = "any" gitHub { issueLabels = ["type: dependency-upgrade"] } } library("ActiveMQ", "5.16.1") { group("org.apache.activemq") { modules = [ "activemq-amqp", "activemq-blueprint", "activemq-broker", "activemq-camel", "activemq-client", "activemq-console" { exclude group: "commons-logging", module: "commons-logging" }, "activemq-http", "activemq-jaas", "activemq-jdbc-store", "activemq-jms-pool", "activemq-kahadb-store", "activemq-karaf", "activemq-leveldb-store" { exclude group: "commons-logging", module: "commons-logging" }, "activemq-log4j-appender", "activemq-mqtt", "activemq-openwire-generator", "activemq-openwire-legacy", "activemq-osgi", "activemq-partition", "activemq-pool", "activemq-ra", "activemq-run", "activemq-runtime-config", "activemq-shiro", "activemq-spring" { exclude group: "commons-logging", module: "commons-logging" }, "activemq-stomp", "activemq-web" ] } } library("ANTLR2", "2.7.7") { prohibit("20030911") { because "it is old version that used a different versioning scheme" } group("antlr") { modules = [ "antlr" ] } } library("AppEngine SDK", "1.9.87") { group("") { modules = [ "appengine-api-1.0-sdk" ] } } library("Artemis", "2.17.0") { group("org.apache.activemq") { modules = [ "artemis-amqp-protocol", "artemis-commons" { exclude group: "commons-logging", module: "commons-logging" }, "artemis-core-client" { exclude group: "org.apache.geronimo.specs", module: "geronimo-json_1.0_spec" }, "artemis-jms-client" { exclude group: "org.apache.geronimo.specs", module: "geronimo-json_1.0_spec" }, "artemis-jms-server" { exclude group: "org.apache.geronimo.specs", module: "geronimo-json_1.0_spec" }, "artemis-journal", "artemis-selector", "artemis-server" { exclude group: "commons-logging", module: "commons-logging" exclude group: "org.apache.geronimo.specs", module: "geronimo-json_1.0_spec" }, "artemis-service-extensions" ] } } library("AspectJ", "1.9.6") { group("org.aspectj") { modules = [ "aspectjrt", "aspectjtools", "aspectjweaver" ] } } library("AssertJ", "3.19.0") { group("org.assertj") { modules = [ "assertj-core" ] } } library("Atomikos", "4.0.6") { prohibit("[5,)") { because "our support is deprecated" } group("com.atomikos") { modules = [ "transactions-jdbc", "transactions-jms", "transactions-jta" ] } } library("Awaitility", "4.0.3") { group("org.awaitility") { modules = [ "awaitility", "awaitility-groovy", "awaitility-kotlin", "awaitility-scala" ] } } library("Build Helper Maven Plugin", "3.2.0") { group("org.codehaus.mojo") { plugins = [ "build-helper-maven-plugin" ] } } library("Byte Buddy", "1.10.22") { group("net.bytebuddy") { modules = [ "byte-buddy", "byte-buddy-agent" ] } } library("Caffeine", "2.9.0") { group("com.github.ben-manes.caffeine") { modules = [ "caffeine", "guava", "jcache", "simulator" ] } } library("Cassandra Driver", "4.10.0") { group("com.datastax.oss") { imports = [ "java-driver-bom" ] modules = [ "java-driver-core" { exclude group: "org.slf4j", module: "jcl-over-slf4j" } ] } } library("Classmate", "1.5.1") { group("com.fasterxml") { modules = [ "classmate" ] } } library("Commons Codec", "1.15") { group("commons-codec") { modules = [ "commons-codec" ] } } library("Commons DBCP2", "2.8.0") { group("org.apache.commons") { modules = [ "commons-dbcp2" { exclude group: "commons-logging", module: "commons-logging" } ] } } library("Commons Lang3", "3.12.0") { group("org.apache.commons") { modules = [ "commons-lang3" ] } } library("Commons Pool", "1.6") { group("commons-pool") { modules = [ "commons-pool" ] } } library("Commons Pool2", "2.9.0") { group("org.apache.commons") { modules = [ "commons-pool2" ] } } library("Couchbase Client", "3.1.3") { group("com.couchbase.client") { modules = [ "java-client" ] } } library("DB2 JDBC", "") { group("") { modules = [ "jcc" ] } } library("Dependency Management Plugin", "1.0.11.RELEASE") { group("io.spring.gradle") { modules = [ "dependency-management-plugin" ] } } library("Derby", "") { prohibit("[10.15,)") { because "it requires Java 9" } group("org.apache.derby") { modules = [ "derby", "derbyclient" ] } } library("Dropwizard Metrics", "4.1.18") { group("io.dropwizard.metrics") { imports = [ "metrics-bom" ] } } library("Ehcache", "2.10.6") { group("net.sf.ehcache") { modules = [ "ehcache" ] } } library("Ehcache3", "3.9.2") { group("org.ehcache") { modules = [ "ehcache", "ehcache-clustered", "ehcache-transactions" ] } } library("Elasticsearch", "7.11.1") { group("org.elasticsearch") { modules = [ "elasticsearch" ] } group("org.elasticsearch.client") { modules = [ "transport", "elasticsearch-rest-client" { exclude group: "commons-logging", module: "commons-logging" }, "elasticsearch-rest-client-sniffer" { exclude group: "commons-logging", module: "commons-logging" }, "elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client" ] } group("org.elasticsearch.distribution.integ-test-zip") { modules = [ "elasticsearch" ] } group("org.elasticsearch.plugin") { modules = [ "transport-netty4-client" ] } } library("Embedded Mongo", "3.0.0") { group("de.flapdoodle.embed") { modules = [ "de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo" ] } } library("Flyway", "7.7.0") { group("org.flywaydb") { modules = [ "flyway-core" ] plugins = [ "flyway-maven-plugin" ] } } library("FreeMarker", "2.3.31") { group("org.freemarker") { modules = [ "freemarker" ] } } library("Git Commit ID Plugin", "4.0.3") { group("pl.project13.maven") { plugins = [ "git-commit-id-plugin" ] } } library("Glassfish EL", "3.0.3") { prohibit("[4.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("org.glassfish") { modules = [ "jakarta.el" ] } } library("Glassfish JAXB", "2.3.3") { prohibit("[3.0.0-M1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("org.glassfish.jaxb") { modules = [ "codemodel", "codemodel-annotation-compiler", "jaxb-jxc", "jaxb-runtime", "jaxb-xjc", "txw2", "txwc2", "xsom" ] } } library("Groovy", "3.0.7") { group("org.codehaus.groovy") { imports = [ "groovy-bom" ] } } library("Gson", "2.8.6") { group("") { modules = [ "gson" ] } } library("H2", "1.4.200") { group("com.h2database") { modules = [ "h2" ] } } library("Hamcrest", "2.2") { group("org.hamcrest") { modules = [ "hamcrest", "hamcrest-core", "hamcrest-library" ] } } library("Hazelcast", "4.1.2") { group("com.hazelcast") { modules = [ "hazelcast", "hazelcast-spring" ] } } library("Hazelcast Hibernate5", "2.2.0") { group("com.hazelcast") { modules = [ "hazelcast-hibernate52", "hazelcast-hibernate53" ] } } library("Hibernate", "5.4.29.Final") { prohibit("[6.0.0.Alpha2,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("org.hibernate") { modules = [ "hibernate-c3p0", "hibernate-core", "hibernate-ehcache", "hibernate-entitymanager", "hibernate-envers", "hibernate-hikaricp", "hibernate-java8", "hibernate-jcache", "hibernate-jpamodelgen", "hibernate-micrometer", "hibernate-proxool", "hibernate-spatial", "hibernate-testing", "hibernate-vibur" ] } } library("Hibernate Validator", "6.2.0.Final") { prohibit("[7.0.0.Alpha1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("org.hibernate.validator") { modules = [ "hibernate-validator", "hibernate-validator-annotation-processor" ] } } library("HikariCP", "4.0.3") { group("com.zaxxer") { modules = [ "HikariCP" ] } } library("HSQLDB", "2.5.1") { group("org.hsqldb") { modules = [ "hsqldb" ] } } library("HtmlUnit", "2.47.1") { group("net.sourceforge.htmlunit") { modules = [ "htmlunit" { exclude group: "commons-logging", module: "commons-logging" } ] } } library("HttpAsyncClient", "4.1.4") { group("org.apache.httpcomponents") { modules = [ "httpasyncclient" { exclude group: "commons-logging", module: "commons-logging" } ] } } library("HttpClient", "4.5.13") { group("org.apache.httpcomponents") { modules = [ "fluent-hc", "httpclient" { exclude group: "commons-logging", module: "commons-logging" }, "httpclient-cache", "httpclient-osgi", "httpclient-win", "httpmime" ] } } library("HttpCore", "4.4.14") { group("org.apache.httpcomponents") { modules = [ "httpcore", "httpcore-nio" ] } } library("Infinispan", "12.0.2.Final") { group("org.infinispan") { imports = [ "infinispan-bom" ] } } library("InfluxDB Java", "2.21") { group("org.influxdb") { modules = [ "influxdb-java" ] } } library("Jackson Bom", "2.12.2") { group("com.fasterxml.jackson") { imports = [ "jackson-bom" ] } } library("Jakarta Activation", "1.2.2") { prohibit("[2.0.0-rc1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("com.sun.activation") { modules = [ "jakarta.activation" ] } group("jakarta.activation") { modules = [ "jakarta.activation-api" ] } } library("Jakarta Annotation", "1.3.5") { prohibit("[2.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.annotation") { modules = [ "jakarta.annotation-api" ] } } library("Jakarta JMS", "2.0.3") { prohibit("[3.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.jms") { modules = [ "jakarta.jms-api" ] } } library("Jakarta Json", "1.1.6") { prohibit("[2.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.json") { modules = [ "jakarta.json-api" ] } } library("Jakarta Json Bind", "1.0.2") { prohibit("[2.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.json.bind") { modules = [ "jakarta.json.bind-api" ] } } library("Jakarta Mail", "1.6.6") { prohibit("[2.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.mail") { modules = [ "jakarta.mail-api" ] } } library("Jakarta Persistence", "2.2.3") { prohibit("[3.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.persistence") { modules = [ "jakarta.persistence-api" ] } } library("Jakarta Servlet", "4.0.4") { prohibit("[5.0.0-M1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.servlet") { modules = [ "jakarta.servlet-api" ] } } library("Jakarta Servlet JSP JSTL", "1.2.7") { prohibit("[2.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl") { modules = [ "jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-api" ] } } library("Jakarta Transaction", "1.3.3") { prohibit("[2.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.transaction") { modules = [ "jakarta.transaction-api" ] } } library("Jakarta Validation", "2.0.2") { prohibit("[3.0.0-M1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.validation") { modules = [ "jakarta.validation-api" ] } } library("Jakarta WebSocket", "1.1.2") { prohibit("[2.0.0-M1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.websocket") { modules = [ "jakarta.websocket-api" ] } } library("Jakarta WS RS", "2.1.6") { prohibit("[3.0.0-M1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("") { modules = [ "" ] } } library("Jakarta XML Bind", "2.3.3") { prohibit("[3.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.xml.bind") { modules = [ "jakarta.xml.bind-api" ] } } library("Jakarta XML SOAP", "1.4.2") { prohibit("[2.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("jakarta.xml.soap") { modules = [ "jakarta.xml.soap-api" ] } } library("Jakarta XML WS", "2.3.3") { prohibit("[3.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("") { modules = [ "" ] } } library("Janino", "3.1.3") { group("org.codehaus.janino") { modules = [ "commons-compiler", "commons-compiler-jdk", "janino" ] } } library("Javax Activation", "1.2.0") { group("javax.activation") { modules = [ "javax.activation-api" ] } } library("Javax Annotation", "1.3.2") { group("javax.annotation") { modules = [ "javax.annotation-api" ] } } library("Javax Cache", "1.1.1") { group("javax.cache") { modules = [ "cache-api" ] } } library("Javax JAXB", "2.3.1") { group("javax.xml.bind") { modules = [ "jaxb-api" ] } } library("Javax JAXWS", "2.3.1") { group("") { modules = [ "jaxws-api" ] } } library("Javax JMS", "2.0.1") { group("javax.jms") { modules = [ "javax.jms-api" ] } } library("Javax Json", "1.1.4") { group("javax.json") { modules = [ "javax.json-api" ] } } library("Javax JsonB", "1.0") { group("javax.json.bind") { modules = [ "javax.json.bind-api" ] } } library("Javax Mail", "1.6.2") { group("javax.mail") { modules = [ "javax.mail-api" ] } } library("Javax Money", "1.1") { group("") { modules = [ "money-api" ] } } library("Javax Persistence", "2.2") { group("javax.persistence") { modules = [ "javax.persistence-api" ] } } library("Javax Transaction", "1.3") { group("javax.transaction") { modules = [ "javax.transaction-api" ] } } library("Javax Validation", "2.0.1.Final") { group("javax.validation") { modules = [ "validation-api" ] } } library("Javax WebSocket", "1.1") { group("javax.websocket") { modules = [ "javax.websocket-api" ] } } library("Jaxen", "1.2.0") { group("jaxen") { modules = [ "jaxen" ] } } library("Jaybird", "4.0.2.java8") { group("org.firebirdsql.jdbc") { modules = [ "jaybird", "jaybird-jdk18" ] } } library("JBoss Logging", "3.4.1.Final") { group("org.jboss.logging") { modules = [ "jboss-logging" ] } } library("JBoss Transaction SPI", "7.6.0.Final") { group("org.jboss") { modules = [ "jboss-transaction-spi" ] } } library("JDOM2", "2.0.6") { group("org.jdom") { modules = [ "jdom2" ] } } library("Jedis", "3.5.2") { group("redis.clients") { modules = [ "jedis" ] } } library("Jersey", "2.33") { prohibit("[3.0.0-M1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("org.glassfish.jersey") { imports = [ "jersey-bom" ] } } library("Jetty EL", "9.0.29") { group("org.mortbay.jasper") { modules = [ "apache-el" ] } } library("Jetty JSP", "2.2.0.v201112011158") { group("org.eclipse.jetty.orbit") { modules = [ "javax.servlet.jsp" ] } } library("Jetty Reactive HTTPClient", "1.1.6") { prohibit("[2,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("org.eclipse.jetty") { modules = [ "jetty-reactive-httpclient" ] } } library("Jetty", "9.4.38.v20210224") { prohibit("[11.0.0-alpha0,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("org.eclipse.jetty") { imports = [ "jetty-bom" ] } } library("JMustache", "1.15") { group("com.samskivert") { modules = [ "jmustache" ] } } library("Johnzon", "1.2.10") { group("org.apache.johnzon") { modules = [ "johnzon-core", "johnzon-jaxrs", "johnzon-jsonb", "johnzon-jsonb-extras", "johnzon-jsonschema", "johnzon-mapper", "johnzon-websocket" ] plugins = [ "johnzon-maven-plugin" ] } } library("Jolokia", "1.6.2") { group("org.jolokia") { modules = [ "jolokia-core" ] } } library("jOOQ", "3.14.8") { group("org.jooq") { modules = [ "jooq", "jooq-codegen", "jooq-kotlin", "jooq-meta" ] plugins = [ "jooq-codegen-maven" ] } } library("Json Path", "2.5.0") { group("com.jayway.jsonpath") { modules = [ "json-path", "json-path-assert" ] } } library("Json-smart", "2.3") { group("net.minidev") { modules = [ "json-smart" ] } } library("JsonAssert", "1.5.0") { group("org.skyscreamer") { modules = [ "jsonassert" ] } } library("JSTL", "1.2") { group("javax.servlet") { modules = [ "jstl" ] } } library("JTDS", "1.3.1") { group("net.sourceforge.jtds") { modules = [ "jtds" ] } } library("JUnit", "4.13.2") { group("junit") { modules = [ "junit" ] } } library("JUnit Jupiter", "5.7.1") { group("org.junit") { imports = [ "junit-bom" ] } } library("Kafka", "2.7.0") { group("org.apache.kafka") { modules = [ "connect-api", "connect-basic-auth-extension", "connect-file", "connect-json", "connect-runtime", "connect-transforms", "kafka-clients", "kafka-log4j-appender", "kafka-streams", "kafka-streams-scala_2.12", "kafka-streams-scala_2.13", "kafka-streams-test-utils", "kafka-tools", "kafka_2.12", "kafka_2.13" ] } } library("Kotlin", "${kotlinVersion}") { group("org.jetbrains.kotlin") { imports = [ "kotlin-bom" ] plugins = [ "kotlin-maven-plugin" ] } } library("Kotlin Coroutines", "1.4.3") { group("org.jetbrains.kotlinx") { imports = [ "kotlinx-coroutines-bom" ] } } library("Lettuce", "6.1.0.RC1") { group("io.lettuce") { modules = [ "lettuce-core" ] } } library("Liquibase", "4.3.1") { group("org.liquibase") { modules = [ "liquibase-core" ] plugins = [ "liquibase-maven-plugin" ] } } library("Log4j2", "2.14.1") { group("org.apache.logging.log4j") { modules = [ "log4j-to-slf4j" ] imports = [ "log4j-bom" ] } } library("Logback", "1.2.3") { group("ch.qos.logback") { modules = [ "logback-access", "logback-classic", "logback-core" ] } } library("Lombok", "1.18.18") { group("org.projectlombok") { modules = [ "lombok" ] } } library("MariaDB", "2.7.2") { group("org.mariadb.jdbc") { modules = [ "mariadb-java-client" ] } } library("Maven AntRun Plugin", "1.8") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-antrun-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Assembly Plugin", "3.3.0") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-assembly-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Clean Plugin", "3.1.0") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-clean-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Compiler Plugin", "3.8.1") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-compiler-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Dependency Plugin", "3.1.2") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-dependency-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Deploy Plugin", "2.8.2") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-deploy-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Enforcer Plugin", "3.0.0-M3") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-enforcer-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Failsafe Plugin", "2.22.2") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-failsafe-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Help Plugin", "3.2.0") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-help-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Install Plugin", "2.5.2") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-install-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Invoker Plugin", "3.2.1") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-invoker-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Jar Plugin", "3.2.0") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-jar-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Javadoc Plugin", "3.2.0") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-javadoc-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Resources Plugin", "3.2.0") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-resources-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Shade Plugin", "3.2.4") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-shade-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Source Plugin", "3.2.1") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-source-plugin" ] } } library("Maven Surefire Plugin", "2.22.2") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-surefire-plugin" ] } } library("Maven War Plugin", "3.3.1") { group("org.apache.maven.plugins") { plugins = [ "maven-war-plugin" ] } } library("Micrometer", "1.7.0-M1") { group("io.micrometer") { modules = [ "micrometer-registry-stackdriver" { exclude group: "javax.annotation", module: "javax.annotation-api" } ] imports = [ "micrometer-bom" ] } } library("MIMEPull", "1.9.13") { group("org.jvnet.mimepull") { modules = [ "mimepull" ] } } library("Mockito", "3.8.0") { group("org.mockito") { modules = [ "mockito-core", "mockito-inline", "mockito-junit-jupiter" ] } } library("MongoDB", "4.2.2") { group("org.mongodb") { modules = [ "bson", "mongodb-driver-core", "mongodb-driver-legacy", "mongodb-driver-reactivestreams", "mongodb-driver-sync" ] } } library("MSSQL JDBC", "9.2.1.jre8") { group("") { modules = [ "mssql-jdbc" ] } } library("MySQL", "8.0.23") { group("mysql") { modules = [ "mysql-connector-java" { exclude group: "", module: "protobuf-java" } ] } } library("NekoHTML", "1.9.22") { group("net.sourceforge.nekohtml") { modules = [ "nekohtml" ] } } library("Neo4j Java Driver", "4.2.3") { group("org.neo4j.driver") { modules = [ "neo4j-java-driver" ] } } library("Netty", "4.1.60.Final") { group("io.netty") { imports = [ "netty-bom" ] } } library("Netty tcNative", "2.0.36.Final") { group("io.netty") { modules = [ "netty-tcnative", "netty-tcnative-boringssl-static" ] } } library("OAuth2 OIDC SDK", "9.2.2") { group("com.nimbusds") { modules = [ "oauth2-oidc-sdk" ] } } library("Nimbus JOSE JWT", "9.7") { group("com.nimbusds") { modules = [ "nimbus-jose-jwt" ] } } library("OJDBC", "") { group("") { modules = [ "dms", "ojdbc10", "ojdbc10_g", "ojdbc10dms", "ojdbc10dms_g", "ojdbc8", "ojdbc8_g", "ojdbc8dms", "ojdbc8dms_g", "ons", "oraclepki", "orai18n", "osdt_cert", "osdt_core", "simplefan", "ucp", "xdb", "xmlparserv2" ] } } library("OkHttp3", "3.14.9") { group("com.squareup.okhttp3") { modules = [ "logging-interceptor", "mockwebserver", "okcurl", "okhttp", "okhttp-dnsoverhttps", "okhttp-sse", "okhttp-testing-support", "okhttp-tls", "okhttp-urlconnection" ] } } library("Oracle Database", "") { group("") { imports = [ "ojdbc-bom" ] } } library("Pooled JMS", "1.2.1") { group("org.messaginghub") { modules = [ "pooled-jms" ] } } library("Postgresql", "42.2.19") { group("org.postgresql") { modules = [ "postgresql" ] } } library("Prometheus PushGateway", "0.10.0") { group("io.prometheus") { modules = [ "simpleclient_pushgateway" ] } } library("Quartz", "2.3.2") { group("org.quartz-scheduler") { modules = [ "quartz" { exclude group: "com.mchange", module: "c3p0" exclude group: "com.zaxxer", module: "*" }, "quartz-jobs" ] } } library("QueryDSL", "4.4.0") { group("com.querydsl") { modules = [ "querydsl-apt", "querydsl-collections", "querydsl-core", "querydsl-jpa", "querydsl-mongodb" { exclude group: "org.mongodb", module: "mongo-java-driver" } ] } } library("R2DBC Bom", "Arabba-SR9") { group("io.r2dbc") { imports = [ "r2dbc-bom" ] } } library("Rabbit AMQP Client", "5.11.0") { group("com.rabbitmq") { modules = [ "amqp-client" ] } } library("Reactive Streams", "1.0.3") { group("org.reactivestreams") { modules = [ "reactive-streams" ] } } library("Reactor Bom", "2020.0.5") { group("io.projectreactor") { imports = [ "reactor-bom" ] } } library("REST Assured", "4.3.3") { group("") { modules = [ "json-path", "json-schema-validator", "rest-assured", "scala-support", "spring-mock-mvc", "spring-web-test-client", "xml-path" ] } } library("RSocket", "1.1.0") { group("io.rsocket") { imports = [ "rsocket-bom" ] } } library("RxJava", "1.3.8") { group("io.reactivex") { modules = [ "rxjava" ] } } library("RxJava Adapter", "1.2.1") { group("io.reactivex") { modules = [ "rxjava-reactive-streams" ] } } library("RxJava2", "2.2.21") { group("io.reactivex.rxjava2") { modules = [ "rxjava" ] } } library("Spring Boot", "${version}") { group("org.springframework.boot") { modules = [ "spring-boot", "spring-boot-test", "spring-boot-test-autoconfigure", "spring-boot-actuator", "spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure", "spring-boot-autoconfigure", "spring-boot-autoconfigure-processor", "spring-boot-buildpack-platform", "spring-boot-configuration-metadata", "spring-boot-configuration-processor", "spring-boot-devtools", "spring-boot-jarmode-layertools", "spring-boot-loader", "spring-boot-loader-tools", "spring-boot-properties-migrator", "spring-boot-starter", "spring-boot-starter-activemq", "spring-boot-starter-actuator", "spring-boot-starter-amqp", "spring-boot-starter-aop", "spring-boot-starter-artemis", "spring-boot-starter-batch", "spring-boot-starter-cache", "spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra", "spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra-reactive", "spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase", "spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase-reactive", "spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch", "spring-boot-starter-data-jdbc", "spring-boot-starter-data-jpa", "spring-boot-starter-data-ldap", "spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb", "spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactive", "spring-boot-starter-data-r2dbc", "spring-boot-starter-data-redis", "spring-boot-starter-data-redis-reactive", "spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j", "spring-boot-starter-data-rest", "spring-boot-starter-freemarker", "spring-boot-starter-groovy-templates", "spring-boot-starter-hateoas", "spring-boot-starter-integration", "spring-boot-starter-jdbc", "spring-boot-starter-jersey", "spring-boot-starter-jetty", "spring-boot-starter-jooq", "spring-boot-starter-json", "spring-boot-starter-jta-atomikos", "spring-boot-starter-log4j2", "spring-boot-starter-logging", "spring-boot-starter-mail", "spring-boot-starter-mustache", "spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client", "spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server", "spring-boot-starter-quartz", "spring-boot-starter-reactor-netty", "spring-boot-starter-rsocket", "spring-boot-starter-security", "spring-boot-starter-test", "spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf", "spring-boot-starter-tomcat", "spring-boot-starter-undertow", "spring-boot-starter-validation", "spring-boot-starter-web", "spring-boot-starter-webflux", "spring-boot-starter-websocket", "spring-boot-starter-web-services" ] plugins = [ "spring-boot-maven-plugin" ] } } library("SAAJ Impl", "1.5.2") { prohibit("[2.0.0-M1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj") { modules = [ "saaj-impl" ] } } library("Selenium", "3.141.59") { group("org.seleniumhq.selenium") { modules = [ "selenium-api", "selenium-chrome-driver", "selenium-edge-driver", "selenium-firefox-driver", "selenium-ie-driver", "selenium-java", "selenium-opera-driver", "selenium-remote-driver", "selenium-safari-driver", "selenium-support" ] } } library("Selenium HtmlUnit", "2.47.1") { group("org.seleniumhq.selenium") { modules = [ "htmlunit-driver" ] } } library("SendGrid", "4.7.2") { group("com.sendgrid") { modules = [ "sendgrid-java" ] } } library("Servlet API", "4.0.1") { group("javax.servlet") { modules = [ "javax.servlet-api" ] } } library("SLF4J", "1.7.30") { group("org.slf4j") { modules = [ "jcl-over-slf4j", "jul-to-slf4j", "log4j-over-slf4j", "slf4j-api", "slf4j-ext", "slf4j-jcl", "slf4j-jdk14", "slf4j-log4j12", "slf4j-nop", "slf4j-simple" ] } } library("SnakeYAML", "1.28") { group("org.yaml") { modules = [ "snakeyaml" ] } } library("Solr", "8.8.1") { group("org.apache.solr") { modules = [ "solr-analysis-extras", "solr-analytics", "solr-cell", "solr-core", "solr-dataimporthandler", "solr-dataimporthandler-extras", "solr-langid", "solr-ltr", "solr-solrj" { exclude group: "org.slf4j", module: "jcl-over-slf4j" }, "solr-test-framework", "solr-velocity" ] } } library("Spring AMQP", "2.3.6") { group("org.springframework.amqp") { modules = [ "spring-amqp", "spring-rabbit", "spring-rabbit-junit", "spring-rabbit-test" ] } } library("Spring Batch", "4.3.2-SNAPSHOT") { group("org.springframework.batch") { modules = [ "spring-batch-core", "spring-batch-infrastructure", "spring-batch-integration", "spring-batch-test" ] } } library("Spring Data Bom", "2021.0.0-M5") { group("") { imports = [ "spring-data-bom" ] } } library("Spring Framework", "5.3.5") { group("org.springframework") { imports = [ "spring-framework-bom" ] } } library("Spring HATEOAS", "1.3.0-M3") { group("org.springframework.hateoas") { modules = [ "spring-hateoas" ] } } library("Spring Integration", "5.5.0-M3") { group("org.springframework.integration") { imports = [ "spring-integration-bom" ] } } library("Spring Kafka", "2.7.0-RC1") { group("org.springframework.kafka") { modules = [ "spring-kafka", "spring-kafka-test" ] } } library("Spring LDAP", "2.3.3.RELEASE") { group("org.springframework.ldap") { modules = [ "spring-ldap-core", "spring-ldap-core-tiger", "spring-ldap-ldif-batch", "spring-ldap-ldif-core", "spring-ldap-odm", "spring-ldap-test" ] } } library("Spring RESTDocs", "2.0.5.RELEASE") { group("org.springframework.restdocs") { modules = [ "spring-restdocs-asciidoctor", "spring-restdocs-core", "spring-restdocs-mockmvc", "spring-restdocs-restassured", "spring-restdocs-webtestclient" ] } } library("Spring Retry", "1.3.1") { group("org.springframework.retry") { modules = [ "spring-retry" ] } } library("Spring Security", "5.5.0-M3") { group("") { imports = [ "spring-security-bom" ] } } library("Spring Session Bom", "2021.0.0-M1") { group("org.springframework.session") { imports = [ "spring-session-bom" ] } } library("Spring WS", "3.1.0-M2") { group("") { modules = [ "spring-ws-core", "spring-ws-security", "spring-ws-support", "spring-ws-test", "spring-xml" ] } } library("SQLite JDBC", "3.34.0") { group("org.xerial") { modules = [ "sqlite-jdbc" ] } } library("Sun Mail", "1.6.6") { prohibit("[2.0.0-RC1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("com.sun.mail") { modules = [ "jakarta.mail" ] } } library("Thymeleaf", "3.0.12.RELEASE") { group("org.thymeleaf") { modules = [ "thymeleaf", "thymeleaf-spring5" ] } } library("Thymeleaf Extras Data Attribute", "2.0.1") { group("com.github.mxab.thymeleaf.extras") { modules = [ "thymeleaf-extras-data-attribute" ] } } library("Thymeleaf Extras Java8Time", "3.0.4.RELEASE") { group("org.thymeleaf.extras") { modules = [ "thymeleaf-extras-java8time" ] } } library("Thymeleaf Extras SpringSecurity", "3.0.4.RELEASE") { group("org.thymeleaf.extras") { modules = [ "thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity5" ] } } library("Thymeleaf Layout Dialect", "2.5.2") { group("") { modules = [ "thymeleaf-layout-dialect" ] } } library("Tomcat", "9.0.44") { prohibit("[10.0.0-M1,)") { because "it uses the jakarta.* namespace" } group("org.apache.tomcat") { modules = [ "tomcat-annotations-api", "tomcat-jdbc", "tomcat-jsp-api" ] } group("org.apache.tomcat.embed") { modules = [ "tomcat-embed-core", "tomcat-embed-el", "tomcat-embed-jasper", "tomcat-embed-websocket" ] } } library("UnboundID LDAPSDK", "4.0.14") { group("com.unboundid") { modules = [ "unboundid-ldapsdk" ] } } library("Undertow", "2.2.5.Final") { group("io.undertow") { modules = [ "undertow-core", "undertow-servlet", "undertow-websockets-jsr" ] } } library("Versions Maven Plugin", "2.8.1") { group("org.codehaus.mojo") { plugins = [ "versions-maven-plugin" ] } } library("WebJars HAL Browser", "3325375") { group("org.webjars") { modules = [ "hal-browser" ] } } library("WebJars Locator Core", "0.46") { group("org.webjars") { modules = [ "webjars-locator-core" ] } } library("WSDL4j", "1.6.3") { group("wsdl4j") { modules = [ "wsdl4j" ] } } library("XML Maven Plugin", "1.0.2") { group("org.codehaus.mojo") { plugins = [ "xml-maven-plugin" ] } } library("XmlUnit2", "2.8.2") { group("org.xmlunit") { modules = [ "xmlunit-assertj", "xmlunit-core", "xmlunit-legacy", "xmlunit-matchers", "xmlunit-placeholders" ] } } } generateMetadataFileForMavenPublication { enabled = false }