package org.test @Configuration @EnableIntegration class SpringIntegrationExample implements CommandLineRunner { @Autowired private ApplicationContext context; @Bean DirectChannel input() { new DirectChannel(); } @Override void run(String... args) { println() println '>>>> ' + new MessagingTemplate(input()).convertSendAndReceive("World", String) + ' <<<<' println() /* * Since this is a simple application that we want to exit right away, * close the context. For an active integration application, with pollers * etc, you can either suspend the main thread here (e.g. with, * or exit the run() method without closing he context, and stop the * application later using some other technique (kill, JMX etc). */ context.close() } } @MessageEndpoint class HelloTransformer { @Transformer(inputChannel="input") String transform(String payload) { "Hello, ${payload}" } }