`@DataR2dbcTest` is similar to `@DataJdbcTest` but is for tests that use Spring Data R2DBC repositories.
By default, it configures an in-memory embedded database, a `R2dbcEntityTemplate`, and Spring Data R2DBC repositories.
Regular `@Component` and `@ConfigurationProperties` beans are not scanned when the `@DataR2dbcTest` annotation is used.
`@EnableConfigurationProperties` can be used to include `@ConfigurationProperties` beans.
TIP: A list of the auto-configurations that are enabled by `@DataR2dbcTest` can be <<test-auto-configuration#appendix.test-auto-configuration,found in the appendix>>.
By default, Data R2DBC tests are not transactional.
If you prefer your test to run against a real database, you can use the `@AutoConfigureTestDatabase` annotation in the same way as for `DataJpaTest`.
(See "<<features#features.testing.spring-boot-applications.autoconfigured-spring-data-jpa>>".)