@ -1150,6 +1150,22 @@ behaviour by setting `com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.invokeFlushAfterService` to `false
==== Spring HATEOAS
If you're developing a RESTful API that makes use of hypermedia, Spring Boot provides
auto-configuration for Spring HATEOAS that works well with most applications. The
auto-configuration replaces the need to use `@EnableHypermediaSupport` and registers a
number of beans to ease building hypermedia-based applications including a
`LinkDiscoverer` and an `ObjectMapper` configured to correctly marshal responses into
the desired representation. The `ObjectMapper` will be customized based on the
`spring.jackson.*` properties or a `Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder` bean if one exists.
You can take control of Spring HATEOAS's configuration by using
`@EnableHypermediaSupport`. Note that this will disable the `ObjectMapper` customization
described above.
=== JAX-RS and Jersey
If you prefer the JAX-RS programming model for REST endpoints you can use one of the