@ -1504,11 +1504,11 @@ access tokens. If your appplication is also an Authorization Server it already k
to decode tokens, so there is nothing else to do. If your app is a standalone service then you
need to give it some more configuration, one of the following options:
* `spring.oauth2.resource.user-info-uri` to use the "/me" resource (e.g.
"`https://uaa.run.pivotal.io/userinfo`" on PWS)
* `spring.oauth2.resource.user-info-uri` to use the `/me` resource (e.g.
`https://uaa.run.pivotal.io/userinfo` on PWS)
* `spring.oauth2.resource.token-info-uri` to use the token decoding endpoint (e.g.
"`https://uaa.run.pivotal.io/check_token`" on PWS).
`https://uaa.run.pivotal.io/check_token` on PWS).
If you specify both the `user-info-uri` and the `token-info-uri` then you can set a flag
to say that one is preferred over the other (`prefer-token-info=true` is the default).