@ -445,9 +445,18 @@ Let's develop a simple "`Hello World!`" web application in Java that highlights
of Spring Boot's key features. We'll use Maven to build this project since most IDEs
support it.
TIP: The http://spring.io[spring.io] web site contains many "`Getting Started`" guides
The http://spring.io[spring.io] web site contains many "`Getting Started`" guides
that use Spring Boot. If you're looking to solve a specific problem; check there first.
You can shortcut the steps below by going to https://start.spring.io and choosing the
`web` starter from the dependencies searcher. This will automatically generate a new
project structure so that you can <<getting-started-first-application-code,start coding
right the way>>. Check the https://github.com/spring-io/initializr[documentation for
more details].
Before we begin, open a terminal to check that you have valid versions of Java and Maven