@ -13,13 +13,17 @@ You DO NOT need to raise an issue for a managed dependency version upgrade as th
- With an Immediate Pull Request
An issue will be closed as a duplicate of the immediate pull request, so you don't have to raise an issue if you plan to create a pull request immediately.
🐞 Bug report (do not copy/paste)
🐞 Bug report (please don't include this emoji/text, just add your details)
Please provide details of the problem, including the version of Spring Boot that you
are using. If possible, please provide a test case or sample application that reproduces
the problem. This makes it much easier for us to diagnose the problem and to verify that
we have fixed it.
🎁 Enhancement (do not copy/paste)
🎁 Enhancement (please don't include this emoji/text, just add your details)
Please start by describing the problem that you are trying to solve. There may already
be a solution, or there may be a way to solve it that you hadn't considered.
TIP: You always edit your issue if it isn't formatted correctly.
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